Ice Crusher's Day February 22nd

Feb. 09, 2025

Hello Goderich Ringette Families!
We're at it again!  Saturday, February 22nd we will be hosting ICE CRUSHER DAY!! Every one of our Goderich teams is playing in town that day starting at 9:00 am and we think that is something to celebrate!!
The Bake Sale during our 40th Anniversary Celebration/Annual Ringette Day this past October was a huge success!  A big Thank You to everyone who donated baked goods and to those who purchased them.  We will need your support once again.  If you can contribute something tasty and homemade, please send an email to Amy Vandenhoven  
Baked goods can be dropped off at the YMCA any time after 8am on Feb 22, 2025.  
We will also have booths set up to sell ringette merch, to sell our GRA calendar fundraisers and we will have a fun table for the kiddos with face painting and glitter tattoos!! PLUS Fling A Ring will be back!
Local Rolla has also told us they will be doing an "Ice Crusher Special" that day - so watch for their social media or ask them at the booth!!
These days are so important for our ringette community and we cannot run them without the help of everyone. If you are interested in volunteering during the day please contact Becky Meriam & Rachel Lynn at

Mark the date on your calendars and plan to come out to the YMCA to cheer on your favourite ICE CRUSHERS!!!

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