Ringette Ontario partners with ALIAS Solutions
Following a thorough search Ringette Ontario has partnered with ALIAS Solutions to offer a safe
sport reporting service.
This independent service allows individuals to report improper conduct through the ALIAS reporting
mechanism (web and phone) and ensures that safe sport (maltreatment) reports are managed
independently through ALIAS’ independent third-party case management. By offering this service to
its members, Ringette Ontario is reaffirming its commitment to ensure a safe, inclusive and
supportive environment where everyone is treated fairly.
About ALIAS:
Founded in 2016, ALIAS serves as the safe sport complaints officer for 100+ Provincial/Territorial
Sport Organizations across Canada, providing services to more than 6 million lives.
The ALIAS platform is designed to both prevent and detect wrongdoings and create a healthy and
safe environment for stakeholders related to Ringette Ontario.
• For individuals, ALIAS creates a safe and confidential forum for the individual to report
• For Ringette Ontario, ALIAS provides the platform to create an environment where we can
provide a positive experience for all and:
• be a safe voice for the victims in a receptive and welcoming environment
• centralize the receipt of reports
• standardize management and protocols province-wide
• take prompt action
How it Works:
ALIAS follows the Ringette Ontario Discipline and Complaints Policy
1. To report a complaint, access the ALIAS’ “Report A Complaint” link or call 1-833-839-0650
posted on the Ringette Ontario website or at the member websites.
2. Once an individual submits a report:
• ALIAS’ team receives the report and determines the steps to resolution based on
Ringette Ontario policies
• ALIAS manages the case and involves external parties when needed
• Cases are handled with the utmost confidentiality and compassion
For more information, please contact Karla Xavier, Executive Director.
Ringette Ontario
2-157C Harwood Ave. North,
PMB #228, Ajax, ON. L1Z0B6 Canada